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Webinar Archive


Monday, July 8, 2024

Engaging Communities and Advisory Councils in Extension
Program Planning and Development


  • Lola Adedokun, PhD, Assistant Extension Professor,
    Department of Community and Leadership Development-University of Kentucky

  • Kim Henken, MS, Director of Extension Engagement and Administrative Initiatives,
    University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service 

Webinar Recording

Resource Links:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

From Compliance to Community:  Event Accessibility
Beyond ADA During Program Development

  • Renee Pusey, Coordinator for Talent & Professional Development, Penn State University

  • Claire Wellbeloved-Stone, Vice President of Blue Trunk Foundation 

Webinar Recording

Resource Links:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Designing for All:  Universal Design for Learning and Digital Accessibility 

  • Robin Ertz, M.Ed., IT Manager, Professional Development, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 

Webinar Recording

Resource Links:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Leveraging an Asset-Based Approach to Community Building,
Program Delivery, and Community Engagement

  • Dr. Hunter Phillips Goodman, Assistant Professor Community Workforce & Economic Development,
    University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service
      Webinar Recording

      Resource Links:

      Friday, July 12, 2024

      Introduction to Culturally Responsive Evaluation Practices


        Webinar Recording

        Resource Links:


        Monday, July 10, 2023

        Institutional Commitment to Health and Well Being


            • Paul Hill, Ph.D., Extension Professor, Rural Online Initiative and Washington County Director, Utah State University Extension

            Session Description:

            Employee success can be improved through a commitment by institutions and Extension programs leading, supporting, and encouraging health and well-being. This session will discuss policies, practices, and other strategies leadership can implement to support employee wellness. In addition, the importance of creating a positive and supportive work culture, even with remote work environments will be addressed.

            Webinar Recording:

            Resource Links:  

            Tuesday, July 11, 2023

            Cultivating Employee Health and Well-Being

            • Jeff King, Ph.D., Co-Director, OSU Leadership Center, Ohio State University Extension
            • Jeff Young, Ph.D., Director of Urban Extension, Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service

            Session Description:

            Managers and administrators need to cultivate employee health and well-being in a various ways. This session will feature information on emotional intelligence and its role in cultivating employee health and well-being. Support and providing resources for employees in health and well-being can impact whether they stay in Extension or leave for other opportunities. We’ll learn more about the job embeddedness theory and how that contributes to the health and well-being of employees. The concept of “stay interviews” are being used in a few states to learn what Extension is doing well to keep employees.

            Webinar Recording:

            Resource Links:  

            Wednesday, July 12, 2023

            Promoting Health and Well-Being for Extension Employees
              • Adam T. Hughes, State Extension Specialist, Cornell Cooperative Extension
              • Gabriela Murza, Professional Practice Assistant Professor of Health and Wellness, Utah State University Extension
              • Samantha M. Harden, Ph.D., 500-RYT, Director, Physical Activity Research and Community Implementation Lab; Associate Professor, Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise; Exercise Specialist, Virginia Cooperative Extension

              Session Description:

              Taking care of our health is paramount to being a successful employee. Come and learn what a few states are doing to promote health and well-being through employee development and wellness programs. Programs to be featured include Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Public Health Course, Utah State University’s Be Well Rewards Program foremployees, and Virginia Cooperative Extension's Physical Activity Team and PARCI lab work.    

              Webinar Recording:

              Resource Links: 

              Thursday, July 13, 2023

              Fostering Healthy Partnerships


              • Oralia Mendez, Manager, Workforce Development and Community Programs, Oregon State University Center for Health Innovation
              • Ivys Figueroa-Sánchez, DrPH, Associate Professor, Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agricultural Sciences at Mayagüez, University of Puerto Rico
              • Rusty Hohlt, Ph.D., Director, Healthy Texas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
              • Amber Canto, MPH, RDN, Director, Health & Well-Being Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension

              Session Description:

              Extension across the country has successfully developed partnerships with local agencies and organizations to address community health and well-being. The session will feature a panel from four such programs from Oregon, Puerto Rico, Texas, and Wisconsin. Join us to learn about: Oregon’s Health Worker Course and other joint projects; Puerto Rico’s efforts in cancer prevention and education; Texas’ efforts to promote preventative health at the local level; and Wisconsin's frameworks for advancing health equity.

              Webinar Recording:

              Resource Links: 

              Resources from Oregon State University Center for Health Innovation: 

              Resources from Texas: 

              Friday, July 14, 2023

              Telling Our Health and Well-Being Story


              • Maggie Jones, Director, Center for Community Health and Evaluation, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
              • Roger Rennekamp, Health Director, Cooperative Extension Section of the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities

              Session Description:

              There is growing recognition and understanding of the multiple factors beyond an individual’s behavior that influence their health. These factors account for as much as seventy percent of an individual's overall health status. Social-ecological frameworks suggest that an individual’s daily activities are nested in multiple layers of social system that includes their families, friends, schools, workplaces, organizations, communities, policies, and societal norms. At any of these layers, it is possible to find factors that either promote health or are barriers to achieving optimal health. As Extension professionals begin to engage in collaborative efforts that address these factors, they must also engage in different types of evaluation activities. Accordingly, this session will engage participants in a discussion of how to catalyze and evaluate efforts focused on creating communities where all people can thrive. Participants will also be introduced to current national efforts to identify relevant metrics of personal and institutional performance, enabling Cooperative Extension’s expanded work in health equity and well-being.

              Webinar Recording:

              Resource Links: 


              June 20, 2023
              Unconference:  The Basics of Accessibility

              Hosted by the Professional Development Committee
              Presentation by Meghan Loughlin-Krusky, Michigan State University


              Recording -- coming soon

              NAEPSDP Webinars Supported by the USDA AFRI Conference Grant

              Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice Through Cooperative Extension

              Edited by: Mia Imani Fields and Timothy J. Shaffer

              Mar. 28, 2023, 4atlantic/3eastern/2central/1mountain/12pacific/11alaskan/10hawaiian

              Presenter: Nia Imani Fields, Maryland 4-H Program Leader and Assistant Director of Extension, University of Maryland

              Nia Imani Fields, University of Maryland Extension & State 4-H Leader, will present a session on the textbook, Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice through Cooperative Extension. Nia will share how we can incorporate this guide into our Extension activities. Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice through Cooperative Extension, edited by Nia Imani Fields and Timothy J. Shaffer, grows out of a commitment to the belief that Cooperative Extension professionals can and should be deeply engaged with the communities they work in to improve life—individually and collectively. Rooted in an understanding of the history and development of Extension, the authors focus on contemporary efforts to address systemic inequities. They offer an alternative to the “expert” model that would have Extension educators provide information detached from the difficult and sometimes contentious issues that shape community work. These essays highlight Extension’s role in and responsibility for culturally relevant community education that is rooted in democratic practices and social justice. The ultimate aim of this book is to offer a vision for the future of Extension as its practitioners continue to reach for cultural competence necessary to address issues of systemic injustice in the communities they serve and of which they are a part. 

              Nia Imani Fields’ presentations and purchasing of the Grassroots Engagement textbook for NAEPSDP members were supported by a USDA AFRI Conference Grant.

              Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®): Applications for Extension

              Feb. 22, 2023


              Presenter: John Diaz, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC), University of Florida

              John Diaz, University of Florida- Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, will present a session on the “Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®): Applications for Extension”. John is an IDI Qualified Administrator and will engage us in ways to implement the IDI in our Extension work. Intercultural competence has been identified as a critical capability in several studies including those focused on educational leadership and culturally responsive education. The Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) assesses intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. The IDI has been rigorously tested and has cross-cultural generalizability, both internationally and with domestic diversity. The IDI generates profiles of an individual’s intercultural competence. When used to assess an individual’s level of intercultural competence, a customized Intercultural Development Plan® (IDP®) is also prepared for the person. This IDP provides a detailed blueprint for the individual to further develop intercultural competence. 

              John Diaz’s presentations and the purchase of IDI® Surveys for NAEPSDP members were supported by a USDA AFRI Conference Grant.

              All recordings of the Leadership Lunch & Learn Book Review Series will be posted on the University of Arkansas Extension website under the heading "Past Webinars".  Click on the 2023 link to see the list of recordings. 

              2023 Leadership Lunch and Learn Book Review Series Recordings


              November 2, 2022

              Customer Relationship Management (CRM):  What is it and does it work for Extension?


              Steve Judd, Salesforce Architect working for a Salesforce Partner on large-scale CRM implementations

              Teresa (T) McCoy, Director of the Learning and Organization Development (LOD) unit, Ohio State University Extension

              Phil Heckman, MyData administrator for Iowa State Extension and Outreach

              Webinar Recording

              MONDAY, JULY 11
              Starting on the Right Foot:  Recruiting and Hiring

              Kim LeCompte, Ph.D., SHRM-CP, Associate Director of Human Resources, University of Missouri-Columbia



              TUESDAY, JULY 12
              Focus on Diversity from New Hire to Succession Planning

              John Toman, Ph.D., Interim Director, Extension Evaluation & Staff Development, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (

              Craig Pickett, Jr.,  Ph.D., Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (

              Matthew Kaplan, Ph.D., Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging, Penn State University (



              WEDNESDAY, JULY 13
              Onboarding for Today's Extension:  Panel Discussion

              Panel Facilitator:
              Cheryl Newberry, Program and Personnel Development Specialist, Oklahoma State University Extension

              Amanda Rysz, M.S., Family and Consumer Sciences Program Specialist-Training and Professional Development, Ohio State Extension

              Kristi Farner, Ph.D., Staff and Organizational Development Specialist, UGA Extension

              Tearney Woodruff, Ph.D., Extension Specialist- Employee Development & Continuous Learning, Texas A&M University AgriLife



              THURSDAY, JULY 14
              Strengthening Extension's Employees Through Capacity Building 

              Karl Bradley, Leadership Development Specialist, Extension Foundation

              Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Ph.D., Extension Leader for Inclusion and Diversity, Virginia Cooperative Extension




              FRIDAY, JULY 15
              Building Tomorrow's Extension Leaders


              Rochelle Sapp, Ph.D., Leadership Development Specialist, UGA Extension

              Sarah Baughman, Ph.D., Extension Leader for Program and Employee Development, Virginia Cooperative Extension

              Eric Kaufman, Ph.D., Leadership Development, Virginia Cooperative Extension 


              MONDAY, JULY 12, 2021

              Employee Onboarding & Leadership Development

              PRESENTERSMarina Denny, Associate Professor, Mississippi State Extension; Lauren Ledbetter Griffeth, Extension Leadership Specialist, University of Georgia Extension

              DESCRIPTION:   Journey with these session presenters to learn about adaptations made to their onboarding and leadership development programs for Extension during 

              the Covid-19 Pandemic. Shifting to create new pathways to get the work done allowed for creative problem solving, teamwork, and innovation. As we transition to a more hybrid approach post-pandemic, there are several lessons to be learned that can inform future efforts to welcome new hires into the Extension family and continue with leadership development



              • Marina Denny's Presentation: Slides
              • Lauren Ledbetter Griffeth's Presentation: Slides

              TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2021

              Supporting Employees through Program Development

              PRESENTERS OSU Extension Leadership & Organizational Development Team- Teresa McCoy, Jared Morrison, Amy Kohmetscher, Debby Lewis, Danae Wolfe, and Brian Butler

              DESCRIPTION:   When COVID-19 forced all Extension employees to transition their programs to virtual delivery, The Ohio State Extension Learning & Organizational Development team immediately went to work supporting educators. From virtual program delivery to evaluating their efforts, educators received training for all aspects of program development. The OSU LOD team will discuss the approaches they took and lessons they learned along the way.



              WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2021

              Extending Extension Programmatic Efforts Online

              PRESENTERS Holly Hatton-Bowers, Assistant Professor; Lisa Kaslon, Professional Development Coordinator; & Carrie Gottschalk, Engagement Zone Coordinator- University of Nebraska Extension; Renee Pusey, Coordinator of Talent Management and Professional Development & Jon Emigh, Director of Marketing & Digital Education - Penn State Extension

              DESCRIPTION:   Employee health and wellness, including physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, is without a doubt the backbone of a strong organization. Nebraska Extension recognized and addressed this critical need by organizing and launching a novel and comprehensive staff-driven employee wellness initiative. Penn State Extension was able to continue to deliver high quality Extension programming during the pandemic through a robust online course catalog.



              • Nebraska Extension's Presentation: Slides
              • Penn State Extension's Presentation: Slides

              THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2021

              Taking a Non-Traditional Route to Delivering Traditional Extension Programs

              PRESENTERS David Wright, County Extension Director, & Paul Winski, County Extension Agent- Horticulture, Harris County, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension; and Julie Robinson, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

              DESCRIPTION:   Master Gardeners, Youth Development and Field Days are a mainstay for most Extension programs. The pandemic allowed the Harris County ANR unit to develop educational outreach programs that were only a thought prior to COVID-19 restrictions. We will look at what was implemented, what we learned and what’s next. Julie Robinson will discuss the efforts of Virtual Field Tours that began before the pandemic and then improved and enhanced during the pandemic.



              • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension's Presentation: Slides
              • Virtual Field Tours/Trip Presentation: Slides

              FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2021

              Where Does Extension Go From Here? Extension Leader Panel

              PRESENTERSJorge Atiles, Dean of Extension & Engagement, West Virginia University Extension; Doug Steele, Vice President, Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources, APLU & Chris Watkins, Director, Cornell Cooperative Extension and ECOP Chair

              DESCRIPTION:   In this panel session, we will hear the perspectives of three state and national Extension leaders about where Extension will go from here. Looking forward and beyond the pandemic, where do they see Extension going and how will we get there?


              THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021

              Peer-to-Peer Tips for Prepping Your NIFA Program Plan/Report

              DESCRIPTION: On May 20 from 12-1:30 pm, ET NAEPSDP hosted a panel discussion on LGU experiences and tips preparing NIFA Plans and Report. Lynn Khadiagala, NIFA's Planning and Evaluation Lead outlined the requirements for the reports and the value of the data received. The panel featured representatives from both 1862 and 1890 institutions and included a variety of states including Georgia, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Panelists shared their process for developing their plan and report and how that process contributes to the success of their report.  Example recent plans and reports were shared with registrants.




              SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 

              Utah's Rural Online Initiative: Connecting Rural Communities with Remote Work

                PRESENTER: Paul Hill, Extension Specialist, 4-H Youth Development,   Utah State University


              DESCRIPTION: To help rural communities prepare for the future, USU Extension created a new program to assist people in developing skills needed for remote work. The purpose of the Rural Online Initiative program is to provide Utah’s rural workforce with education, training, and services for online opportunities in remote employment, freelance work, and e-commerce.

              PRESENTER BIO: Paul Hill is a tenured Extension Associate Professor and County Director for Utah State University where he leads economic development and 4-H STEM education programs in Washington County. He has been awarded the Utah Governor’s Medal for Science Technology and the USU Faculty Innovator Award for his work in spreading remote work, the Maker Movement, and 4-H computer science programs statewide. Paul received a national fellowship with the eXtension Foundation to study the economic impacts of the Maker Movement nationwide and represented Utah as a Maker Ambassador to the White House during the 2016 National Maker Faire. In 2013, Paul piloted the first 4-H Computer Science Clubs and is currently serving as a co-principal investigator for the National 4-H Computer Science Pathway program to reach 300,000 youth in 41 states with $7.5M in funding from Google. In 2018, Paul was selected to serve as the principal investigator for the Rural Online Initiative which was funded under House Bill 327 for a $2.2M appropriation. This Rural Online Initiative provides Utah’s rural workforce and businesses with education, training, and services for online opportunities in remote employment, freelance work, and e-commerce.

              MONDAY, JULY 13, 2020

              Program Planning Process Designed to Increase Access and Grow Programs

              PRESENTERS Jennifer A. Skuza, Ph.D., Associate Dean and MN 4-H State Director, & Jessica Pierson Russo, M.Ed., Extension Educator and Associate Extension Educator, University of Minnesota Extension

              DESCRIPTION:  Program planning is like working through a maze. Sometimes we do it quickly and easily. Other times we run into dead ends and have to retrace our steps to find new paths. So it is with program planning in Extension. In this session, presenters will lay out a program planning process that is intentionally designed to increase access and grow programs.



              TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020

              Making Change from the Inside Out

              PRESENTER Whitney Gherman, MSW, Marion County Extension, FCS Educator, The Ohio State University

              DESCRIPTION: Programs alone cannot easily address the decades of community neglect and disinvestment that lead to distrust, apathy, and inequity. This session will help Extension professionals reflect on their implicit bias, identify ethical principles that respect the traditions and assets of community members, and consider grassroots approaches to restore trust and meet urgent needs.



              WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2020
              A Proactive Approach to Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities

              PRESENTERJennifer Taylor-Winney, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Health & Exercise Science, Western Oregon University

              DESCRIPTION:   In this session, we will discuss the importance of being proactive in planning and implementing strategies for inclusion of individuals with disabilities. We will identify key concepts of universal design and how they may be utilized in a variety of contexts and identify a useful framework practitioners can use in their programs to assist in the inclusion of all participants.



              THURSDAY, JULY 16, 2020

              Negotiation Across Diversity: Application for Extension Work

              PRESENTER Suzanna Windon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Youth and Adult Leadership, Penn State Extension

              DESCRIPTION:   We don’t and can’t change personality, experience, and culture. However, we can adapt temporarily to capitalize on behavioral tendencies. This session is all about negotiation and diversity among individuals, groups, & communities. The session covers aspects related to a) negotiation and gender, b) personality, individual abilities, and negotiation, c) cultural differences and negotiation, d) application for Extension program for Latino Talent: Strategies to Negotiation.



              FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2020

              Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Extension Evaluation

              PRESENTERS Natalie E. Cook, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Public Health, & Thomas Archibald, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Virginia Tech

              DESCRIPTION: In this session, participants will learn about how diversity, equity, and inclusion issues intersect with Extension evaluation. The instructors will describe key terms related to these concepts, discuss their relevance throughout the evaluation process, and offer guidance on "next steps" in (re)aligning Extension evaluation efforts toward diversity, equity, and inclusion. This session will be informed by contemporary developments from the broader field of evaluation, such as Culturally Responsive Evaluation, the EquitableEvaluation Initiative, multicultural validity, and transformative evaluation capacity building, among others.



              JUNE 10, 2020

              Impact Programming During the Pandemic: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities for Extension

              DESCRIPTION:  During this critical time, most of you are busy focusing on programming that may not have been on the priority list a few months ago. Nevertheless, we must be proactive in answering the call at hand.

              While county staff may be on the ground serving a critical role, state level Extension professionals (evaluation specialists, program leaders, middle managers, etc.) are charged with helping to make sure these efforts are meaningful and yielding desired results. Like never before, we must now support and lean on one another as a means to access the wealth of expertise within Extension. If you are interested in learning tips from other colleagues or engaging in relevant discussions, please consider the following webinar.

              This webinar will focus on extension programs conducted to address COVID-19 and ways in which evaluation practices have been incorporated to capture impact reporting. A panel of extension professionals will share ideas for training opportunities and strategies on how to continue monitoring and evaluating efforts in order to document success.

              Point of Contact: Dr. Ken Jones @

              MAY 28, 2020

              Kentucky Extension Statewide Community Needs Assessment

              PRESENTER: Alison Davis, H.B. Price Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky and the Executive Director of the Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK)

              DESCRIPTION:  Every four years in Kentucky, County Extension offices prepare a plan of work that begins with gathering information from community members as well as secondary data to inform the plan. In 2018, to standardize counties plan of work process, a committee of Extension personnel and community members developed the community needs assessment process to formalize that data gathering portion. The Community Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky led the process of training agents on gathering data, collected and analyzed data and completed 120 county reports and a statewide report. More than 38,000 people completed the community survey. More than 500 interviews and focus groups were conducted. This information is being used to develop local plans of work in KY counties as well as regional and statewide initiatives to make a positive impact in the lives of Kentuckians. Join us to learn about the process and lessons learned from CEDIK's Director, Dr. Alison Davis.

              PRESENTER BIO: Dr. Alison Davis is the H.B. Price Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky and the Executive Director of the Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK). CEDIK is an integrated engagement/research center housed within the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the University of Kentucky. CEDIK’s mission is to build engaged communities and vibrant economies. Dr. Davis leads a team of fourteen engagement and research staff to support for CEDIK’s four priority areas: economic development, leadership development, community health, and community design. Dr. Davis’ role is to build relationships across campus, Kentucky and the South with the goal of promoting a stronger sense of community and an improved economic base in rural areas.


              WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2020

              Insights from Development of a National Evaluation Competency Model for Extension Educators

              PRESENTER: Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education | Pennsylvania State University

              DESCRIPTION: Extension organizations often use competency development models to maintain a competitive advantage and to build the capacity of their employees. Program evaluation is considered as one of the core competency for Extension professionals. Even though multiple evaluation competency models were developed over the past two decades, none of them meets the context of Extension professionals, who conducts the evaluations as one part of their job. In this webinar, I will share insights from the development and broader applicability testing of a national evaluation competency model for Extension professionals.

              Michigan State University is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting the event contact two weeks prior to the start of the event. Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible.

              PRESENTER BIO: Dr. Anil Kumar Chaudhary is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education at the Pennsylvania State University. In this capacity, he teaches program evaluation, basic and advanced statistics, and introduction of agricultural and extension education courses. His current research focuses on two major research areas: application of program evaluation and assessment principles to formal and non-formal educational settings and human dimensions of natural resource management. Currently, he is co-leading a national project to identify evaluation competencies for Extension educators to develop their evaluation capacity. Dr. Kumar Chaudhary is actively involved in multiple professional associations and currently, serves as the program chair for Extension Education Evaluation Topical Interest Group (TIG) of the American Evaluation Association (AEA).


              Who, Me, an Author? Tips for Publishing Your Extension Work

              PRESENTER: Theresa Ferrari, Extension Specialist, 4-H Youth Development
              The Ohio State University

              DESCRIPTION: Publishing in journals provides an opportunity for Extension professionals to share their program, research, and teaching efforts with others and to contribute to the knowledge base of the profession. For many Extension professionals, however, the publication process can seem overwhelming and just the thought of it is enough to bring on writer’s block. An initial question often asked is: What can I write about? With time for writing at a premium, one of the keys is to work smarter by considering the publication potential presented by everyday Extension practice. This webinar will set participants up for success as authors by reviewing publication opportunities, the writing process, and how to overcome common mistakes.



              Friday, July 19, 2019

              Looking to the Future - Succession Planning Panel

              MODERATOR: Kenneth Jones | Director - Program and Staff Development, University of Kentucky

              DESCRIPTION: In 2018, the Southern Region-Program Leadership Network Program & Staff Development Committee began an assessment of the strategies being undertaken across the Southern Region related to succession planning. As lead, Dr. Ken Jones will facilitate a panel discussion of those efforts identified thus far and where Extension can go from here. Panel members include:

              • Dr. Deacue Fields – Dean, Bumpers College of Agricultural Food and Life Sciences, University of Arkansas
              • Dr. Rochelle Sapp - Leadership Development Specialist, University of Georgia Extension
              • Dr. Jeffrey Young - Director of County Operations, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service


              Thursday, July 18, 2019

              Part 1: Constructing Cohorts that Enhance Employee Engagement in Extension

              Amber Shanahan |
              Extension Educator, University of Minnesota
              Nancy Hegland | Program Leader-Youth Development, University of Minnesota
              Trish Sheehan | Extension Educator, University of Minnesota

              DESCRIPTION: The University of Minnesota Extension's Center for Youth Development has rolled out a long-term cohort learning format that heavily supports staff as they're onboarded via hybrid learning, and continues on with each two additional cohort series as staff transition into the next season of their work. The cohort learning provides continuous connectivity with both experienced staff and new peers, building strong relationships that influence employee engagement throughout the trajectory of their role. This session will outline the construction and development of the three cohort series (Onboarding, Anchor, and Sustain) and will outline the processes used to enhance the leadership components of these trainings (participatory leadership, action learning, and more).
                PRESENTATION SLIDES: Constructing Cohorts that Enhance Employee Engagement in Extension

                Part 2: Program Development Leadership Cohort Builds Community, Skills and Experiences
                 PRESENTER Celeste Carmichael | Program Development & Accountability Specialist, Cornell University

                DESCRIPTION: This in-depth program planning experience is intended for staff with major program leadership responsibilities. The intent is to strengthen skills related to building: program plans & proposals, inclusiveness and diversity, evaluation, and mentoring relationships with colleagues. Graduates are demonstrating continued success - writing proposals and modellng the program development process to colleagues - serving as mentors and support. PDLC is a 4 month commitment that includes two face to face events, online learning topics, and zoom meetings.

                PRESENTATION SLIDES: Program Development Leadership Cohort Builds Community, Skills and Experiences


                Wednesday, July 17, 2019

                Better Together: Mentoring Team vs Mentor

                Kristi Farner | Program and Staff Development Specialist, University of Georgia
                Kelle Ashley | 4-H Extension Agent, University of Georgia

                DESCRIPTION: A positive mentor experience can be helpful for retaining new employees during the onboarding experience for new agents while providing opportunities for mid-career and veteran staff to have leadership opportunities, but it is often hard to find one person to be the perfect fit for a mentee. In this session hear about how one state changed their mentor program to have mentor teams instead of a single mentor for each new agent. Data indicates by splitting the mentor role into two distinct roles mentees and mentors feel more supported. The pool of mentors has grown outside of a program area and mentors increase collaboration by working on a team.

                PRESENTATION SLIDES: Better Together: Mentoring Team vs Mentor


                Tuesday, July 16, 2019

                An Innovative New Staff Orientation Experience Online

                Kim Fleming | Professional Development and Volunteer Involvement Specialist, Cornell University
                Leslie Boby | Interim Coordinator Southern Regional Extension Forestry, University of Georgia

                Part1: New Staff Orientation Online

                PRESENTER Kim Fleming, Cornell University

                DESCRIPTION: Cornell Cooperative Extension Administration at Cornell University gathered input from current staff, new staff, and directors to design an online orientation course intended to help new employees to better understand our organization and the resources and supports that are in place for them during their first few months on the job. This training, ready on demand, prepares new staff to be able to explain the purpose and breadth of Cornell Cooperative Extension to others; locate system-wide resources including policy and procedures; identify professional development opportunities, and connect with others building collegial networks that will assist with current work. 

                PRESENTATION SLIDES: New Staff Orientation Online
                SAMPLE SYLLABUS: New Staff  Orientation Course Syllabus

                Part 2: Seeding Success - National Onboarding Program for Forestry and Natural Resources

                PRESENTER:  Leslie Boby, University of Georgia

                DESCRIPTION: A national team planned and launched an online onboarding program for early career Extension forestry and natural resources professionals. The course was launched for a live cohort, via webinars, and are now being turned into e-learning modules for future use.

                PRESENTATION SLIDES: Seeding Success-National Onboarding Program for Forestry and Natural Resources


                June 19, 2019

                Building Stronger Collaborative (long distance) Teams

                PRESENTER Celeste Carmichael, Program Development & Accountability Specialist, Cornell Cooperative Extension

                DESCRIPTION: Do you find yourself working with staff, faculty, and stakeholders across county-lines, state-lines and international-lines? What are your best practices for long distance collaboration? In this webinar we will walk through some of the research and best practice ideas for building stronger collaborative long-distance teams. We will also review a few suggested resources for gathering more insights on effective distance collaborations. Participants will be asked to share experiences and suggestions that have worked and questions/concerns that remain in their long-distance collaborative work.


                March 26, 2019

                All New Look, All New Data: Land-grant Impacts Database

                PRESENTER Scott Cummings

                DESCRIPTION:  Check out the Land-grant Impacts Database or public website and ( you will see big changes. The site has a fresh new look, better tools and search capabilities, integrated peer review, and more prominently displayed impact stories. All new statements submitted to the database will now undergo peer review before being made public on the site. This new layer of review will insure the highest quality information is being displayed. Statements from the past three years will be archived and available, but not displayed on the public site. This session will discuss the site, how it is used, and how to use the site.



                MONDAY, JULY 23, 2018

                Understanding Social Identity Development: A tool for building authentic relationships across differences

                PRESENTEREduardo González, Jr., State Diversity, Research Partnership Development, and Youth Development Specialist, Cornell University Cooperative Extension

                DESCRIPTION:   This webinar will explore the process of identity development within a U.S. context that is shaped by individual characteristics, family dynamics, historical factors, and social and political contexts. Understanding how these factors affect our own and other’s identity development is critical to leadership, positive youth development, and community building. By enhancing our awareness and understanding of the process of identity development, we can better position ourselves, our programs and our organizations to effectively navigate and build authentic relationships across differences.  The social identity development model presented in this webinar can also serve as a powerful tool for framing, examining and promoting deeper dialogue regarding race and race relations in our country.


                TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018

                Leadership in Dealing with Difficult Multicultural Discussions

                PRESENTERDionardo Pizaña, Diversity and Personnel Specialist, Extension Diversity and Multiculturalism Office, Michigan State University

                DESCRIPTION:  Many people are concerned about reports of bias-based language and behaviors targeting young people and adults based on differences such as race, national origin, immigration status, religion, gender, sexual orientation and other differences. Have you found yourself wanting to speak up to address hurtful language and behaviors but you didn't know how to respond at work, at home or in the community? Perhaps you’ve been in a situation where you wished that you could’ve responded in a different way to an inappropriate behavior, remark or joke? This webinar will provide participants opportunities to practice ways to use their voice to take leadership in dealing with difficult multicultural discussions. The purpose of this workshop is to provide frameworks and practical experiences for participants to explore how difficult discussions can become opportunities for transformative dialogue.



                WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 2018

                Assess your Ability to Navigate Across Cultural Differences and Commonalities: Learn and grow through the I.D.I

                PRESENTER Dr. Quentin R. Tyler, Associate Dean/Director Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University

                DESCRIPTION:  This webinar will introduce basic concepts of diversity equity and inclusion, while also introducing  the  Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®), which assesses one's  intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities.   The Intercultural Development Inventory is a 50-item questionnaire that have led to demonstrated results in educational institutions and organizations.  Learn from a proven approach for building intercultural competence to accomplish individual, team, and organization goals. Using the IDI has led to substantial improvement in learning, growth, and individual development.  As a result of this workshop, participants will learn how the IDI increases their ability to navigate across differences and commonalities assessed.


                THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018

                Organizational Values: Creating healthy organizational climates through inclusive approaches

                PRESENTER Dionardo Pizaña, Diversity and Personnel Specialist, Extension Diversity and Multiculturalism Office, Michigan State University

                DESCRIPTION:  What makes up organizational culture and more importantly, organizational culture that is inclusive, supportive and inviting?  It may be helpful to begin this discussion by looking at our earliest learning regarding “better than/less than” treatment. If not interrupted, these treatments and behaviors can then lead to supporting cultural norms and other forms of cultures of power.  Participants will discuss how dominant cultural values such as fear of conflict, worship of the written word and either/or thinking – fear of complexity  can show up in many different forms in our organizational policies, procedures, processes and relationships and ways they can work to advocate for more inclusive, equitable approaches and community standards.



                THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2018

                Designing for impact: Creating a stellar PowerPoint presentation

                PRESENTERDanae Wolfe, Ohio State University Extension, Educational Technology Specialist

                DESCRIPTION:   Educators have been using PowerPower in educational programming for decades, and while some educators consider a PowerPoint presentation fundamental to programming, others consider it overused and often underwhelming. Join Danae Wolfe, Educational Technology Specialist with Ohio State University Extension, to learn the basics of great slide design as well how to use PowerPoint for maximum impact.


                THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2018

                Social network analysis: An innovative way to design and evaluate programs

                PRESENTER Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Pennsylvania State University, Evaluation Specialist

                DESCRIPTION:  Social Network Analysis (SNA) hasn’t been used extensively by Extension professionals. Join this webinar to learn the basics of SNA as well as how to use it to help you in program development and evaluation, engagement of stakeholders, and reporting of impacts.


                THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2018

                Applications of VoiceThread in Extension: From program planning to assessment

                PRESENTER Rebecca Mott, University of Missouri Extension, Senior Research Associate and Adjunct Professor

                DESCRIPTION:   This Webinar will describe a platform called VoiceThread that has been used in many classrooms, but also is useful for conducting virtual focus group research. Rebecca Mott explains how VoiceThread can be used to collect qualitative participant feedback and provides insight on the benefits and challenges of implementing the VoiceThread platform for program evaluation purposes.



                MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 2017

                What Can Be Published – Turning the non-publishable into publishable

                PRESENTER Dr. Nick Fuhrman, Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, University of Georgia

                DESCRIPTION:  As Extension professionals, we do so many wonderful things to make life better for our communities on a daily basis.  Anecdotally, we know that our work makes a difference, but how can we collect data on our efforts and share what we’ve learned with others?  Even when our efforts are not as “successful” as we hoped they would be, our Extension colleagues can learn from our hiccups.  If you’re interested in collecting simple data to share, or sharing data you already have in a peer-reviewed publication, this session is for you!  Plus, since “Ranger Nick” likes to use animals in his teaching, a live animal or two might make an appearance on camera!



                TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2017

                Title: Digital Storytelling for Scholarly Engagement

                PRESENTERS Dr. James K. Woodell (Jim), Vice President for Economic Development and Community Engagement, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities & Christine Geith, CEO, eXtension

                DESCRIPTION:  Extension personnel have teaching, research, and service portfolios that often look different from traditional academics’ dossiers, which most frequently emphasize basic research and publications. This session will explore how Extension portfolios emphasizing outreach, practical research, and scholarly engagement are published and presented in digital formats—online journals, blogs, webinars, e-learning, social media, and website development. Presenters will talk about undertaking knowledge advancement via these platforms as well as the challenges of working with tenure and promotion committees to help them understand the value.



                WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2017

                Getting Published – How and Where to Get Published

                PRESENTERS Dr. Donna Peterson, Extension Professor, School of Human Sciences, Mississippi State University Extension Service & Journal of Human Sciences and Extension Editor; Dr. Stephen Brown, Matanuska/Copper River District Agriculture Agent and Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks & President of the Journal of Extension and a past Editor for the Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.

                DESCRIPTION:   This session will look at various journals for which your Extension work and research are a good fit for publication.  This session will also discuss how to begin the publication process with two of the top Extension specific journals - the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension (JHSE) and the Journal of Extension (JOE).  You will have the opportunity to learn tips and suggestions from journal editors and ask questions. 



                THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 2017

                The Who, What, When, and How to Prepare for Advancement

                PRESENTERS Dr. Rich Poling, Retired Director - Program and Staff Development, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service; Dr. Alan Ladd, Regional Extension Education Director, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach; Dr. Melissa Cater, Associate Professor & Program Evaluation Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education & Evaluation, LSU AgCenter and College of Agriculture; Dr. Michael E. Newman, Professor and Director, School of Human Sciences, Mississippi State University

                DESCRIPTION:  When planning or preparing for the promotion and/or tenure process, there are many questions ranging from the value of developing a mentoring relationship with veteran Extension professionals, to when and how to prepare your promotion and/or tenure document or presentation.  This panel of experts consists of non-tenured faculty, tenured faculty, department heads, and a district/regional director, many who have served on a promotion and/or tenure committee. Panel members will provide information and answer questions on the “in’s and out’s” of promotion and/or tenure.


                FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2017

                Transforming Extension: Enhanced Engagement through Client Management Systems

                PRESENTER Kyle Flinn, University of Missouri Extension, MU Extension Enterprise Project Director

                DESCRIPTION:   The University of Missouri Extension is investing in transformative technology platforms to enhance engagement with the citizens of Missouri. During this webinar, the speaker will provide details about the specific e-commerce, e-marketing, online learning and event management platforms that will be launched in 2017. In addition, information about how the systems will complement tools like 4H Online will be shared. This new platform provides Missouri Extension with a new website, a new content management system, and seeks automate a number of manual tasks.


                FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2017

                Step Up! - Preparing for a national leadership role with NAEPSDP

                PRESENTERSCurrent NAEPSDP Leaders

                DESCRIPTION:  Invest an hour to learn about 2018 Leadership opportunities available to all NAEPSDP members. Get your questions answered regarding: What are my choices? What level of commitment is required? How do I get involved?
                What's the value of serving as a volunteer?

                THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2017

                Millennials in the Workplace: Understanding Generational Difference

                PRESENTER Dr. Teresa Byington, Associate Professor/Specialist, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension

                DESCRIPTION:   The number of Millennials in the workplace is increasing each year.  There are over 83 million Millennials in the United States and 53 million are in the workforce.  For the first time in history we have four (or five) generations in the workplace.  The different values, priorities and life experiences of each generation has created potential areas for generational friction.  This presentation will examine the significant life events that influenced the values and attitudes of each generation.  With a focus on Millennials, participants will gain an understanding of ways to resolve differences related to topics such as communication, dress codes and work style preferences. Join us to gain a greater understanding of generational viewpoints.



                THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2017

                An Assessment of the Programmatic Level of Extension Agent Work in Virginia

                PRESENTER  Robert Clark, County Extension Agent - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Shenandoah County, Virginia Extension

                DESCRIPTION:  In 2015, 47 percent of Virginia Extension Agents had less than four years of experience. In order to address the lack of experience issue, Extension Administration formed District Program Leadership Teams (DPLT) for the four districts in the state. Each team consisted of six agents with two each from the Agriculture, 4-H, and Family and Consumer Science programming areas. These agents were charged with the duty of training new agents on how to conduct sound programming in their communities and to help all agents hone their programming skills. In essence, DPLT members were charged to be Extension Agents to the Extension Agents.  This assessment was completed by the DPLT to better understand how agents are programming.  This presentation will overview the purpose of the assessment, the methodology used to complete the assessment and the results of the assessment.



                THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2017

                Building Leadership Competencies in Florida County Extension Directors

                PRESENTER Matt Benge, Extension Assistant Professor, UF/IFAS Dept. of Agricultural Education & Communication

                DESCRIPTION:  Developing a qualified workforce and retaining valued employees is essential for organizations to be successful. Many times in Extension, we hire employees without providing the necessary training and development programs to maximize our employees’ potential. Specifically in Florida, intentional development and training does not exist for County Extension Directors (CEDs), whom serve as both the administrative leaders of the county Extension offices and are Extension agents who have a split appointment between their educational programming and administrative duties. This webinar will (1) provide an overview of current research efforts surrounding CED leadership competencies, and (2) describe the current efforts to build leadership development programs for Florida CEDs.



                MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2016

                Social Media as Programming - Expanding Extension's Potential in a Social World

                PRESENTERS Karen Jeannette & Dr. Brigitte Scott, Military Families Learning Network

                DESCRIPTION:   Social media is more than a marketing and communications tool—it’s an opportunity to expand program impact in a social, networked world. In this session we will discuss how social media—and an appropriate social media strategy—can transform Extension programming from confined nodes of formal learning to expansive and organic social learning opportunities.



                TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016

                Social Media Conduct

                PRESENTERMark Hagemeier, J.D., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

                DESCRIPTION:   To Friend or Not to Friend, this session covers legal issues associated with social media, e-mail and your computer.  Join us to learn more about social media conduct and how to conduct your technological activities in a legal manner.


                WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2016

                Using and Interpreting Social Media Analytics

                PRESENTERSDavid Allen & Josh Paine, University of Georgia

                DESCRIPTION:   Most of us use different social media platforms to reach our audience, but how do we know if we’re using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube effectively? All of these platforms have insights and analytics that allow social media administrators to see trends in audience behavior, how many people you’re reaching, how engaging your content is and more. This training shows how to access, report and interpret important statistics for your channels, and how admins can use that data to continue increasing audience reach and engagement.



                THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2016

                Universal Design to Promote Full Inclusion in Learning for Persons with Disabilities

                PRESENTERS Richard Petty and Sam Thomas, The National Center for Aging and Disability and Independent Living Research Utilization at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research in Houston, Texas

                DESCRIPTION:   This session provides an overview of requirements and best practice strategies to make online learning accessible to and readily usable by all your constituents.



                THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2016

                Practical and Participatory Evaluation Capacity Building: University of California Cooperative Extension Trainings

                PRESENTERS Katherine Webb-Martinez, MPA and Kit Alviz, MA, Program Planning and Evaluation, UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

                DESCRIPTION:   During this webinar, we will share our approach and lessons learned from our in-person, hands-on trainings about measuring outcomes and writing impact statements for UC Cooperative Extension professionals. We will also share our pilot effort to facilitate evaluation planning for statewide programs to develop common measures, data collection plans, and public value impact statements.


                FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

                The New NAEPSDP Website Tour - Welcome Home!

                PRESENTERS Dr. Karen Ballard and Dr. Rich Poling, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service and Dr. Michael Lambur, Virginia Tech

                DESCRIPTION:  Welcome to Your New Home! Earlier this year the NAEPSDP website moved. This webinar features the committee members that played a vital role in developing the new website and will give you a tour of our new online home. Topics include: the layout of the new site, where to locate items, how to manage your own membership account, and how you, as an NAEPSDP member, can not only find information, but also share information.


                THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016

                The New eXtension i-Three Corps - Examples of Their Work

                PRESENTERChristine Geith, Chief Executive Officer, eXtension Foundation

                DESCRIPTION:  Earlier this year, eXtension selected 127 people from 33 Institutions and 30 states to participate in the new i-Three Corps - an initiative where eXtension staff are finding new ways to help Extension professionals make a more visible and a more measureable local impact. This webinar provides an overview of the program and examples of their work showing promising new practices. Featuring eXtension staff including the CEO, Christine Geith.


                THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016

                Assessing Your Assets: University of Florida Competency Assessment and Professional Development Plan and How They Can Improve In-service Training

                PRESENTER Dr. Amy Harder, Program Development and Evaluation Center Coordinator, University of Florida

                DESCRIPTION:  During this webinar, Dr. Amy Harder will share information about the competency assessment the University of Florida is now using on an annual basis for UF/IFAS Extension. She will also discuss the professional development plan component that partners with the competency assessment. The University of Florida will begin to improve the way they solicit and fund in-service training proposals based on the new competency assessment and professional development plans.


                THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016

                Defining Our Future with Data: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Professional Development Needs Assessment Survey Instrument

                PRESENTER Dr. Carol Heaverlo, Extension and Outreach Professional Development Director, Iowa State University

                DESCRIPTION:   During this webinar, Dr. Carol Heaverlo shares the background for the development of the instrument, the process, product and how the results are being used in Organizational Professional Development strategic planning.



                2015 Virtual Summer School Webinars

                TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015

                Oh, What a Tangled Web...inar We Weave!

                PRESENTERSMary Poling and Dr. Julie Robinson, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service

                DESCRIPTION:  This session looks at the intricacies and continuous development of best practices for webinars and blended courses based on user feedback, instructor experiences, and evaluation results.


                WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 2015

                The Art and Science of Environmental Scanning: Staying Real During Rapid Change  

                PRESENTERSDr. Nancy Franz, Emeritus Professor, Iowa State University, and Dr. Karen Ballard, Professor, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service

                DESCRIPTION:  This session examines trends and disruptive technologies that currently exist and/or are on the horizon for Extension. To plan responsively in this environment, Extension workers must anticipate these new developments. This session will engage participants in exploring strategies and methods Extension may need to adopt to insure relevance and support from stakeholders. Participants will be invited to participate in the discussion to stimulate actions supporting the future of Extension.


                THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015

                When Is a Program Ready for Replication and Rigorous Evaluation?

                PRESENTERS Dr. Donna J. Peterson and Dr. Laura H. Downey, Mississippi State University

                DESCRIPTION:   This session explains the Systematic Screening and Assessment Method (SSA; Leviton, Khan, & Dawkins, 2010) and how it can be applied to Extension programs. SSA includes environmental scanning methodology as well as evaluability assessment.


                FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2015

                Evaluation of Social Media Platforms for Extension Outreach and Education

                PRESENTER Amy Cole, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service

                DESCRIPTION:  This session addresses identifying “if” and/or “what” social media tools may assist with effective Extension outreach and education of target audiences. Participants will learn what research reflects regarding audience demographics for key social media sites and the implications for Extension educators. Strategies and successful current practices from multiple organizations will be shared to assist participants in identification of effective social media methods that can be replicated.


                                NAEPSDP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

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